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The dark side of aquaculture the industry doesn’t want you to know about. It’s time to stop Fishing the Feed. https://fishingthefeed.com #fishingthefeed
🐟Great work from the Taxawu Cayar Collective for exposing & fighting back against polluting fishmeal factories ✊
In 2019, we exposed with @Greenpeaceafric how detrimental these factories are for the environment & local food security
=> http://changingmarkets.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Feeding-a-Monster-EN-low-res.pdf
I don't care how many sustainability claims are made for #krill products – hoovering up the bottom of the #Antarctic food chain to feed human appetites for farmed fish & krill pills is bonkers. Krill are food for fishes, whales & penguins! #FishingTheFeed #FoodForWhales 🐟🐋🐧🦐
#WorldKrillDay is over, but the plunder goes on. Major 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇪🇸🇩🇪 supermarkets are fuelling it by turning a blind eye to the destructive nature of their farmed fish supply chains.🦐#Krill is vital to the integrity of #Antarctic ecosystems
=>https://changingmarkets.org/portfolio/fishing-the-feed/ #FishingTheFeed
In Deutschland sind es laut dem #Krill Bericht von @ChangingMarkets die Einzelhändler Lidl, Aldi, Edeka und Kaufland, die indirekt mit der Krillmehl Industrie verknüpft sind - durch den Verkauf von Zuchtlachs.
#FishingTheFeed 🦐🐧🐋🦭
https://changingmarkets.org/portfolio/fishing-the-feed #FishingTheFeed
Falls Du den 🙌🏾 #WorldKrillDay 🦐 letzte Woche verpasst hast: Dieser Bericht von @ChangingMarkets zeigt auf, welche Einzelhändler Krill in den Umlauf bringen - es landet auf unseren Tellern und wir essen buchstäblich das Futter von 🐧🐋🦭❗️https://changingmarkets.org/portfolio/fishing-the-feed #FishingTheFeed
Ayúdanos a presionar a las empresas que están detrás de esto antes de que nuestros océanos lleguen a un punto de no retorno.